Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 - The Year of ???

I'd like to start out by saying that I CANNOT believe 2008 has already come and gone! It seems like only yesterday we were tearing down inappropriate wall paper after the 2007/2008 New Year's Eve party, and now we are left alone in the wake of the 2008/2009 party. So sad...

Every year, be it big or small, is filed in our brains' files according to those events that most influenced our lives. For instance, 2000 will always be the beginning of the end for Rusty and I, as that is when our Senior year began. 2001 is earmarked by finally graduating from high school, and heading off to college (after 4 years of planning throughout high school). Now I know these specific years will change as the people do, but everyone can recognize their significance in a teenager's life.

For me, one of the most significant years in my life was 2003. 2003 was a sad culmination of many things, but was also the bright beginning of many others - I turned over many leaves in my life that year, some of which were great, some not so great, some fun, some sad. I graduated from Tyler JC, and spent what I know as the best summer ever at home in Rowlett before moving off to Denton to start North Texas that fall.

Going into it all, I knew this would be the last time that I could call Rowlett "home." In its place, I got Houston. My mom would argue that Houston was never considered "home" for our little family, but I have to disagree. I learned that year that "home" really is where the heart is. I never knew I would miss my parents so much when I realized they were more than 45 minutes away.

2003 was also the summer I found myself in my friends. Its amazing the people you thought would never change and would always be there. They were the ones that changed so much I hardly knew them anymore. Those friends that I expected less from, turned out to be the ones who helped define my life and make me the person I am today. As summer faded, Lindsay, Jennifer and I got to carry our friendships and time shared forward, as we were all at North Texas. The 3 of us, though, had to say goodbye to Chrissy as she left once again for Aggie Land.

My new journey in Denton, though, was the most life-changing of all. Rusty and I met that fall, as we shared several classes together. As we got to know each other through classes, we found out so many fun things about each other, like where each of us grew up (10 minutes apart, might I add!!) and all of the mutual friends we shared. Times like these - when proof of fate exists - are always the most fun. It always leaves me in awe of how truly spectacular God's plan for each of us is.

As 2009 is upon us all, I just can't help but wonder what miraculous journeys are ahead! I wish everyone a safe, prosperous and blessed 2009!! :) Happy New Year to you all!



Mary said...

We are so happy that the "Lord" had a plan for the two of you to meet, become friends, fall in love, and marry. We have always loved Rusty, but we absolutely adore "Ruslie". Thak you for being such a wonderful addition to our family.
Grandpa (papa) and Grandma Mary Duncan