Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Turkey Day, but no Turkey please

As some of you will know, but most of you will not, Rusty and I were fortunate enough to spend Thanksgiving Day at Texas Stadium with OUR Dallas Cowboys!! While we missed seeing family, and absolutely hated not having Turkey with all the trimmings, our day was one we won't forget.

Rusty got the tickets as a birthday present, as it was a reasonable excuse to for us to kind of splurge for a game. I know in years to come we would have kicked ourselves for not making it to one last game at historic Texas Stadium.

Our experience was fun - we got out there pretty early on Thanksgiving Day and tailgated, along with thousands of others. I have to say our moment of arrival was the least fun part all day... They stole $30 from us JUST FOR PARKING!!! Seriously?!?!? After dropping my jaw and giving the evil eye to the parking attendant, I reluctantly forked over the money. Rusty found us a quaint little spot and called it home for the rest of the afternoon.

I don't think we could have asked for better weather (except maybe a little more sun/a few less clouds) but all in all, everything about the day was fantastic. We watched a great game, we were there with each other, and we had the most gourmet Thanksgiving Day Feast anyone could think of - Ballpark Nachos.... and beer... :)

Knowing we will never get to go back, Rusty and I savored every minute of the game, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It's a Thanksgiving neither of us will soon forget!!!